December Praise and Prayer
As we come into the month of December it is hard to believe that a whole
year has nearly passed us by, where has the time gone. There are many
things for which we can give praise and things for which we trust that you will
be praying with us for God to answer.
We want to start by providing a picture of Quinn Alexander, our eighth

- That God has faithful used His people to meet our current support needs for 2014.
- That my time as an interim at Camden, DE has been completed and they were able to call Dan Wagner. Now I am able to dedicate my time to the ministries with Church Extension.
- The ladies study at New Life has gone well.
- Several work projects were completed this fall.Prayer
- As we come to the time of year when many churches and individuals consider their budgets for 2015 pray that we would see some increases in support to cover increase cost for health care and other expenses for 2015.
- Pray for folks from the community of New Life to join with us for a Christmas Eve Service.
- Development of Townsend's community outreaches.
- Continued work on several demographic studies in the Eastern Shore areas of Maryland.We want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Your Partners in Missions,
Ray & Louise Bertolet