Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Family, they are the ones we do not choose.  Well, there are times when we are chosen to be part of a family.  A young man chooses a lady to be his wife and invites her into his family.  She by accepting, accepts his family as well.  Family can be helpful but sometimes family can be a heart wrenching experience.

God instruct Hosea with this, Hosea 2:1 Say to your brothers, "Ammi," and to your sisters, "Ruhamah."

Ammi = my people.
Ruhamah = she has obtain compassion.

God wanted to tell the people of the nation of Israel that they were His people who have received compassion.  They started out well  but...............  his heart is breaking for the chooses they are making.

Were you walking close to God at one time in your life?  Have you walked away from that close fellowship.  Why not return to Him today.  He longs to fellowship with you again.

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