Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Are You Praying?

Have you been praying? That was a question that was put to me recently. The situation was such that a friend had called for my help, however, I was about 1 1/2 hours away at the time. As we talked I offered to travel the distance if need be but perhaps there would be others who could help. (You see I did have the spare key which would easily solve the problem). As we hung up the phone I spent time in prayer. I must admit, I really didn't want to make the trip either. After a long half hour I got a call back with that question. My reply was a simple YES! The voice on the other end said, "I thought so... we got the lock open and I got my keys! God answered your prayers."

The reason I write this is not to "pat myself" or to sound extra Holy. What we need to see, is when we pray, God gets the glory. Had I not spent time praying someone else (not God) would have gotten the glory. Yes, God did use a friend to help, but the situation was such that the normal means of getting the door unlock didn't work. Then out of the blue, they tried something that did work.

So I ask you again, "Are you praying?" I will pray that you will be praying for everything.

On that day there was no greater joy then to say, "Yes!" because God received the glory and praise.... not me.

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