Saturday, July 4, 2009

Be Free...Stay Free

Why you play a simple game of "freeze tag" you are always grateful to the one who comes by to touch you to unfreeze you. To set you free from your "frozen" position. From that moment on you try and do all you can to remain free.

Paul reminded the believers in Galatia that they had been set free by the blood of Christ. He encouraged them to remain free.

Gal 5:1It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery. NAS

If you have Christ as your Savior, you too are free, stand firm and remain free.

If you are reading this and have never asked Jesus Christ to forgive your sins and come into your life you are not free no matter where you live on this earth. You are bond by Satan and a prisoner to his desires.

Why not make today your day for being truly free?

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