Thursday, July 2, 2009

Caught in the middle.

This past weekend we had the joy on having two of our three grand daughters here with us for the weekend. What a delight! We did spend one morning at the beach and although it took awhile then did get into the water. We had to be very close to them because as the tide rushed out they would get pulled along with it. Being to deep in the water cause big problems except for mom-mom and pop-pop's help.

In Gen 14:1-12 we see that Lot's move to the heart of Sodom and Gomorrah got him "sucked into" the battle of the kings. Trouble arose because of his decision to move into the appealing valley. He failed to consider the dangers that were around him.

Gen 14:12 They also took Lot, Abram's nephew, and his possessions and departed, for he was living in Sodom. NAS

Be alert for hidden dangers. Steer clear of those situation that make the alarm bells ring.

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