Day 17 of Your Journey
How About a Radical Ambition?
“It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35 ESV).
This is perhaps one of the most radical proclamations our Savior made. The drastic nature of Jesus’ statement lies in the fact that there is absolutely no qualification given to it.
Jesus did not say, “It is more blessed to give than to receive, unless someone gives you this much money. Then receiving is a greater blessing.”
There is no tipping point to the promise. It is simply more blessed to give.
The implications to this are staggering. For instance, the blessing we receive when we give ten dollars in obedience to God is greater than if someone walked up and gave us a check for a million dollars!
Why? Because the blessing we get for giving is stored up in heaven, where “neither moth nor rust destroys” (Matt. 6:20). Jesus made it clear that our goal should be to store up treasure in heaven, not on earth.
I have met many men who had an ambition to make a million dollars. The founder of Life Action Ministries, Del Fehsenfeld Jr., had a unique ambition: to give away a million dollars.
In Del’s lifetime, through his own substantial personal giving and the giving of Life Action, he gave away over a million dollars. This he did on a missionary’s income. When he died at the age of 42, all he had given was waiting in heaven to lay at the feet of Christ.
Making It Personal
What is your ambition? Are you living for earthly riches, or are you storing up treasure in heaven?
The surest way to fight greed is to give. How can you give in an unusual way? Big or small, give to someone in need today.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Day 16
Day 16 of Your Journey
Our "Default" Prayer
“Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but . . . the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God” (Rom. 8:26-27 ESV).
Perhaps the greatest challenge to prayer is praying according to God’s will. Paul acknowledges in these verses that sometimes we just don’t know what to pray for. Our understanding can be clouded in the midst of our circumstances.
Sometimes this is because of ignorance or lack of biblical knowledge. At other times our immaturity or our own emotions and desires confuse us. We look into the fog and see nothing that makes sense.
At these moments the Spirit is present to aid us. One of His jobs is to intercede on our behalf according to the Father’s will.
The Spirit is one with the Father. He knows the Father’s desire and heart perfectly. He will faithfully guide us toward God’s plan.
Our responsibility in uncertainty is always to return to what should be our “default” prayer. This is the prayer of Jesus in John 12:28, “Father, glorify your name.”
When we are uncertain what God is up to, the most important thing we can do is remember that life’s primary goal is for God to be glorified as He should be.
Making It Personal
Think of some specific circumstances that seem to be unresolved in your life. Take a moment to simply pray, “God, in this circumstance, glorify Your name.”
Our "Default" Prayer
“Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but . . . the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God” (Rom. 8:26-27 ESV).
Perhaps the greatest challenge to prayer is praying according to God’s will. Paul acknowledges in these verses that sometimes we just don’t know what to pray for. Our understanding can be clouded in the midst of our circumstances.
Sometimes this is because of ignorance or lack of biblical knowledge. At other times our immaturity or our own emotions and desires confuse us. We look into the fog and see nothing that makes sense.
At these moments the Spirit is present to aid us. One of His jobs is to intercede on our behalf according to the Father’s will.
The Spirit is one with the Father. He knows the Father’s desire and heart perfectly. He will faithfully guide us toward God’s plan.
Our responsibility in uncertainty is always to return to what should be our “default” prayer. This is the prayer of Jesus in John 12:28, “Father, glorify your name.”
When we are uncertain what God is up to, the most important thing we can do is remember that life’s primary goal is for God to be glorified as He should be.
Making It Personal
Think of some specific circumstances that seem to be unresolved in your life. Take a moment to simply pray, “God, in this circumstance, glorify Your name.”
Friday, November 27, 2009
Day 15
Day 15 of Your Journey
Discernment Is Not for Criticizing Others
“I therefore . . . urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love” (Eph. 4:1-2 ESV).
Walking in a manner worthy of our Lord involves being kind and patient with fellow believers. When we are revived, we begin to see things more clearly. Areas we once considered gray, or perhaps did not even bother to consider, now become clear. Our perspective of ourselves and others may undergo a radical transformation.
If we’re not careful, we can be quick to condemn and look down on those who don’t seem to have the enlightenment we have. Remember this simple truth: God never gives discernment for the purpose of criticism. He gives it for the purpose of intercession.
As you walk more deeply with God, He will often give you understanding and discernment into the lives of others. This is a special blessing from God that is not meant to tear them down, but rather to build them up.
This is where asking God to watch our motives is important. The difference between wanting to make someone know they are wrong, and desiring to help someone be right, is as vast as the heavens yet as narrow as our motive. Our job is to patiently bear with one another in love as we pray and encourage them toward doing what is right.
Making It Personal
Lord, help me to stand passionately for truth, yet with patience and kindness toward others. Let the discernment You give me stir me to pray for others, not criticize them.
Take time to think of anyone you have been critical of. Spend some time praying for them.
Discernment Is Not for Criticizing Others
“I therefore . . . urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love” (Eph. 4:1-2 ESV).
Walking in a manner worthy of our Lord involves being kind and patient with fellow believers. When we are revived, we begin to see things more clearly. Areas we once considered gray, or perhaps did not even bother to consider, now become clear. Our perspective of ourselves and others may undergo a radical transformation.
If we’re not careful, we can be quick to condemn and look down on those who don’t seem to have the enlightenment we have. Remember this simple truth: God never gives discernment for the purpose of criticism. He gives it for the purpose of intercession.
As you walk more deeply with God, He will often give you understanding and discernment into the lives of others. This is a special blessing from God that is not meant to tear them down, but rather to build them up.
This is where asking God to watch our motives is important. The difference between wanting to make someone know they are wrong, and desiring to help someone be right, is as vast as the heavens yet as narrow as our motive. Our job is to patiently bear with one another in love as we pray and encourage them toward doing what is right.
Making It Personal
Lord, help me to stand passionately for truth, yet with patience and kindness toward others. Let the discernment You give me stir me to pray for others, not criticize them.
Take time to think of anyone you have been critical of. Spend some time praying for them.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Day 14
Day 14 of Your Journey
Submission Requires Active Faith
There are very few times in Scripture where Jesus compliments someone. One of these is found in Matthew 8:5-13.
The Bible says that Jesus marveled at the centurion. That alone is amazing, that the Son of God would marvel at anyone.
Jesus then says of him, “I have not found such great faith with anyone in Israel” (v. 10 NASB). What was the key to this faith the centurion possessed? It was his understanding of what it meant to be under authority (v. 9).
Responding and submitting to authority is one of the greatest challenges of the Christian life. In our submission we learn to trust God’s sovereign control over all things. God asks us to trust that He will use even ungodly leaders to accomplish His purposes. This is hard because it goes against our natural inclination to try to control our life.
Whether in our marriage, job, family, or church, God gives us the opportunity to learn submission. This earthly submission then gives us the faith to submit to God as He works in our lives.
Make no mistake, you will not grow in faith while you resist God-given authority. We cannot say we are in submission to God while rebelling against earthly authorities.
Our one exception, of course, is if we are asked to violate Scripture. Then we have a higher authority to obey. This, however, is rarely the case. We will find that most of the issues we struggle with will simply involve dying to our will or preference.
Making It Personal
Are there any authorities you find yourself resisting, in action or attitude? Each one provides an opportunity to learn submission to God. Take a moment to confess your sin to God, and then place yourself once again under that authority.
Submission Requires Active Faith
There are very few times in Scripture where Jesus compliments someone. One of these is found in Matthew 8:5-13.
The Bible says that Jesus marveled at the centurion. That alone is amazing, that the Son of God would marvel at anyone.
Jesus then says of him, “I have not found such great faith with anyone in Israel” (v. 10 NASB). What was the key to this faith the centurion possessed? It was his understanding of what it meant to be under authority (v. 9).
Responding and submitting to authority is one of the greatest challenges of the Christian life. In our submission we learn to trust God’s sovereign control over all things. God asks us to trust that He will use even ungodly leaders to accomplish His purposes. This is hard because it goes against our natural inclination to try to control our life.
Whether in our marriage, job, family, or church, God gives us the opportunity to learn submission. This earthly submission then gives us the faith to submit to God as He works in our lives.
Make no mistake, you will not grow in faith while you resist God-given authority. We cannot say we are in submission to God while rebelling against earthly authorities.
Our one exception, of course, is if we are asked to violate Scripture. Then we have a higher authority to obey. This, however, is rarely the case. We will find that most of the issues we struggle with will simply involve dying to our will or preference.
Making It Personal
Are there any authorities you find yourself resisting, in action or attitude? Each one provides an opportunity to learn submission to God. Take a moment to confess your sin to God, and then place yourself once again under that authority.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Day 13 From Life Action Ministries
Day 13 of Your Journey
Need: The Path to Revival
“. . . that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God” (Rom. 12:2 NKJV).
Speaking on the subject of prayer, George Müller once said, “I seek at the beginning to get my heart into such a state that it has no will of its own in regard to a given matter. Nine-tenths of the difficulties are overcome when our hearts are ready to do the Lord’s will.”
For most of us, that is the greatest part of our battle in prayer. It means releasing our desires and accepting that God’s plan will always be best.
Romans 12:2 tells us three very important things about God’s will. First, it is good. God’s will is innately good and therefore will always accomplish good, both in our lives and in those around us.
Second, God’s will is acceptable or well pleasing. Though God’s will may not, at any given moment, seem to be our preference, it will always bring us the greatest joy in the long run. We will always find it well pleasing in retrospect.
Finally, His will is perfect. Think how incredible it is to have a path in life that is perfect! His plan lacks nothing for our well-being, and at the same time it will bring Him the greatest glory.
That’s why someone has defined God’s will as “what I would choose if I knew all the facts.”
Making It Personal
Lord, too often I fear Your will. Please bring me to a place where I can sincerely pray, “If You are pleased, I am pleased.” Make my will Your own by the power of Your name. Amen.
Need: The Path to Revival
“. . . that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God” (Rom. 12:2 NKJV).
Speaking on the subject of prayer, George Müller once said, “I seek at the beginning to get my heart into such a state that it has no will of its own in regard to a given matter. Nine-tenths of the difficulties are overcome when our hearts are ready to do the Lord’s will.”
For most of us, that is the greatest part of our battle in prayer. It means releasing our desires and accepting that God’s plan will always be best.
Romans 12:2 tells us three very important things about God’s will. First, it is good. God’s will is innately good and therefore will always accomplish good, both in our lives and in those around us.
Second, God’s will is acceptable or well pleasing. Though God’s will may not, at any given moment, seem to be our preference, it will always bring us the greatest joy in the long run. We will always find it well pleasing in retrospect.
Finally, His will is perfect. Think how incredible it is to have a path in life that is perfect! His plan lacks nothing for our well-being, and at the same time it will bring Him the greatest glory.
That’s why someone has defined God’s will as “what I would choose if I knew all the facts.”
Making It Personal
Lord, too often I fear Your will. Please bring me to a place where I can sincerely pray, “If You are pleased, I am pleased.” Make my will Your own by the power of Your name. Amen.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Day 12
Day 12 of Your Journey
Can God Bless with Trials?
Interpreting life’s events can be a tricky undertaking. Our instinct is to assume that if something bad happens, it’s because God is displeased with us. We then go on what I call a wild hunt for sin—that desperate search for whatever we’ve done to bring on our calamity.
To be sure, sin will bring with it trials (Prov. 13:15). The problem is, trials don’t necessarily indicate that sin is present.
James refers to “the testing of your faith” in James 1:3. Think about those very words: faith (a good thing) being tested by the events of life. In other words, God responds to something good He sees in our life by sending trials to grow it.
One of the greatest challenges of the Christian life is learning to embrace the trials God sends our way as gifts from Him. We use so much energy trying to escape or fight the tough situations we face, that we fail to see they have actually been given to us by God.
Are you going through a trial? Ask God for wisdom as to its source. According to James 1:5, God will liberally and graciously answer.
Making It Personal
What is the greatest trial you are facing right now? Whether it is caused by sin or testing, the Spirit will specifically show you if you sincerely ask for wisdom. If it is testing, take time to thank God for His commitment to your life in giving you this trial.
Can God Bless with Trials?
Interpreting life’s events can be a tricky undertaking. Our instinct is to assume that if something bad happens, it’s because God is displeased with us. We then go on what I call a wild hunt for sin—that desperate search for whatever we’ve done to bring on our calamity.
To be sure, sin will bring with it trials (Prov. 13:15). The problem is, trials don’t necessarily indicate that sin is present.
James refers to “the testing of your faith” in James 1:3. Think about those very words: faith (a good thing) being tested by the events of life. In other words, God responds to something good He sees in our life by sending trials to grow it.
One of the greatest challenges of the Christian life is learning to embrace the trials God sends our way as gifts from Him. We use so much energy trying to escape or fight the tough situations we face, that we fail to see they have actually been given to us by God.
Are you going through a trial? Ask God for wisdom as to its source. According to James 1:5, God will liberally and graciously answer.
Making It Personal
What is the greatest trial you are facing right now? Whether it is caused by sin or testing, the Spirit will specifically show you if you sincerely ask for wisdom. If it is testing, take time to thank God for His commitment to your life in giving you this trial.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Day 11 of Your Journey
Purity: A Reflection of God's Redeeming Grace
“But sexual immorality and all impurity or covetousness must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints” (Eph. 5:3 ESV).
Years ago as a college student, I sat in a devotional led by a Christian singer who would go on to become nationally known for his music and ministry. He said something that day I have never forgotten: “I should be so holy that when another woman looks into my eyes, she sees nothing but that I love my wife deeply.”
That is the heart behind Paul’s exhortation in Ephesians 5:3. We are not to let immorality even be named in our lives. There should not even be a ground to utter a word implying that immorality exists in us.
This is a strong statement. That’s because the decision to be pure in every way will have to be a radical one.
Why is this so important? Because we are told that it is proper, or “becoming,” for a saint to be pure. This word is most often used in the New Testament in relation to Christ and His role and purpose in our redemption.
The process of redemption was beautiful and becoming because it reflected God’s heart. In the same way, our purity is “becoming” for those who have been saved and bought by His sacrifice.
Making It Personal
Are you walking in purity in every area of your life—not just your actions, but your thoughts, speech, viewing habits, and reading as well? What decisions will you have to make to achieve purity in your life?
Purity: A Reflection of God's Redeeming Grace
“But sexual immorality and all impurity or covetousness must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints” (Eph. 5:3 ESV).
Years ago as a college student, I sat in a devotional led by a Christian singer who would go on to become nationally known for his music and ministry. He said something that day I have never forgotten: “I should be so holy that when another woman looks into my eyes, she sees nothing but that I love my wife deeply.”
That is the heart behind Paul’s exhortation in Ephesians 5:3. We are not to let immorality even be named in our lives. There should not even be a ground to utter a word implying that immorality exists in us.
This is a strong statement. That’s because the decision to be pure in every way will have to be a radical one.
Why is this so important? Because we are told that it is proper, or “becoming,” for a saint to be pure. This word is most often used in the New Testament in relation to Christ and His role and purpose in our redemption.
The process of redemption was beautiful and becoming because it reflected God’s heart. In the same way, our purity is “becoming” for those who have been saved and bought by His sacrifice.
Making It Personal
Are you walking in purity in every area of your life—not just your actions, but your thoughts, speech, viewing habits, and reading as well? What decisions will you have to make to achieve purity in your life?
Day 10...From Life Action Ministries
Day 10 of Your Journey
Humility: The Key to Resolving Conflict
Family relationships are vitally important to God. He doesn’t just give general encouragement to get along with each other. Instead, He gives specific direction to husbands, wives, children, and parents.
Many of these instructions are given with promises for obedience and/or consequences for disobedience (1 Pet. 3:7; Eph. 6:1-3; Col.3:21). Perhaps that’s why Jesus told us not to present offerings when we have un-reconciled relationships (Matt. 5:23-24).
Rightness with God requires rightness with each other (as much as is possible within our power). If a husband and wife have unresolved conflict, it will affect not only their fellowship with God, but also the health of the whole family.
The same can be said of a rebellious or wounded child. Ultimately, everyone is affected by the fractured relationship.
Solomon tells us the key to diffusing conflict and gaining reconciliation: “Only by pride cometh contention” (Proverbs 13:10 KJV). Notice that it doesn’t say “usually” or “mostly”; it says only.
Therefore, if pride is the source of conflict, then humility is its antidote. If I am waiting for the other person to acknowledge wrong before I will, then my pride is feeding the conflict.
When conflict arises, pray for grace from God to humble yourself. He will give you the words and power to reunite your hearts.
Making It Personal
Lord, my pride always wants to plead my case and claim my rights. Help me to honor You by humbling myself. I trust You to bring conviction where needed in my family members’ lives.
Humility: The Key to Resolving Conflict
Family relationships are vitally important to God. He doesn’t just give general encouragement to get along with each other. Instead, He gives specific direction to husbands, wives, children, and parents.
Many of these instructions are given with promises for obedience and/or consequences for disobedience (1 Pet. 3:7; Eph. 6:1-3; Col.3:21). Perhaps that’s why Jesus told us not to present offerings when we have un-reconciled relationships (Matt. 5:23-24).
Rightness with God requires rightness with each other (as much as is possible within our power). If a husband and wife have unresolved conflict, it will affect not only their fellowship with God, but also the health of the whole family.
The same can be said of a rebellious or wounded child. Ultimately, everyone is affected by the fractured relationship.
Solomon tells us the key to diffusing conflict and gaining reconciliation: “Only by pride cometh contention” (Proverbs 13:10 KJV). Notice that it doesn’t say “usually” or “mostly”; it says only.
Therefore, if pride is the source of conflict, then humility is its antidote. If I am waiting for the other person to acknowledge wrong before I will, then my pride is feeding the conflict.
When conflict arises, pray for grace from God to humble yourself. He will give you the words and power to reunite your hearts.
Making It Personal
Lord, my pride always wants to plead my case and claim my rights. Help me to honor You by humbling myself. I trust You to bring conviction where needed in my family members’ lives.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Spritual Revival-Life Action Ministries
Day 9 of Your Journey
Prayer Is About God's Will, Not Ours
“But you, beloved, building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit” (Jude 20 ESV).
The Holy Spirit’s guidance is essential for effective praying.
We often think of prayer as bringing to God our wish list. Then somehow, if we can just convince Him how serious we are, He will stir Himself to answer. Prayer becomes for us a frustrated attempt to sway God in our direction.
No wonder prayer is so often neglected in the Christian life.
It has been said that prayer is not about getting my will done in heaven, but getting God’s will done on earth. The purpose of prayer is to learn what is on the heart of God and then to become a part of seeing His will done in that area.
This is where the work of the Holy Spirit comes in. One of His jobs is to guide us into truth by relaying God’s heart to us in a given situation (John 16:13). This guidance then allows us to pray in faith regarding the issue.
Our goal is not simply to pray about a matter, but to pray according to His will. The Spirit will always use the Word of God as a compass to direct our praying. Then, when asking according to His will, we know He will answer (1 John 5:14).
Making It Personal
Do you have unanswered prayers that burden your heart? God may be strengthening your faith by making you wait, or you may be praying without the Spirit’s guidance in the matter. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide your praying.
Prayer Is About God's Will, Not Ours
“But you, beloved, building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit” (Jude 20 ESV).
The Holy Spirit’s guidance is essential for effective praying.
We often think of prayer as bringing to God our wish list. Then somehow, if we can just convince Him how serious we are, He will stir Himself to answer. Prayer becomes for us a frustrated attempt to sway God in our direction.
No wonder prayer is so often neglected in the Christian life.
It has been said that prayer is not about getting my will done in heaven, but getting God’s will done on earth. The purpose of prayer is to learn what is on the heart of God and then to become a part of seeing His will done in that area.
This is where the work of the Holy Spirit comes in. One of His jobs is to guide us into truth by relaying God’s heart to us in a given situation (John 16:13). This guidance then allows us to pray in faith regarding the issue.
Our goal is not simply to pray about a matter, but to pray according to His will. The Spirit will always use the Word of God as a compass to direct our praying. Then, when asking according to His will, we know He will answer (1 John 5:14).
Making It Personal
Do you have unanswered prayers that burden your heart? God may be strengthening your faith by making you wait, or you may be praying without the Spirit’s guidance in the matter. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide your praying.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Day 8
Day 8 of Your Journey
Holiness Begins in the Heart
The late Christian singer Keith Green once said, “Discipline will not make you holy, but it will keep you holy.” Spiritual disciplines are essential to continued fruitfulness in our walk with God. Time in God’s Word, prayer, meditation, Scripture memory, etc. are all great tools to aid us toward holiness.
When all is said and done, however, holiness will not come from our outward actions. It will arise from a heart that seeks God’s pleasure in all of life.
Holiness is a passion that seeks to reflect Christ’s love in action and attitude. It understands that to be much with Jesus is to become much like Jesus. Discipline is the tool which gets us into His presence; it is His presence which then changes us into His image.
Seek to develop good disciplines in your life. They will aid you in your spiritual growth. But always remember, they are a means to an end, not an end in themselves.
The end should always be Jesus. It is to Him that the elders and angels cry, “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing!” (Rev. 5:11-12 ESV).
Making It Personal
Lord, help me to develop good disciplines in life. But may I always remember that discipline is not a substitute for holiness—it’s just the pathway to it. My goal is not self-righteousness. My goal is for You to be exalted in my life. Make me holy for Your glory. Amen.
Holiness Begins in the Heart
The late Christian singer Keith Green once said, “Discipline will not make you holy, but it will keep you holy.” Spiritual disciplines are essential to continued fruitfulness in our walk with God. Time in God’s Word, prayer, meditation, Scripture memory, etc. are all great tools to aid us toward holiness.
When all is said and done, however, holiness will not come from our outward actions. It will arise from a heart that seeks God’s pleasure in all of life.
Holiness is a passion that seeks to reflect Christ’s love in action and attitude. It understands that to be much with Jesus is to become much like Jesus. Discipline is the tool which gets us into His presence; it is His presence which then changes us into His image.
Seek to develop good disciplines in your life. They will aid you in your spiritual growth. But always remember, they are a means to an end, not an end in themselves.
The end should always be Jesus. It is to Him that the elders and angels cry, “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing!” (Rev. 5:11-12 ESV).
Making It Personal
Lord, help me to develop good disciplines in life. But may I always remember that discipline is not a substitute for holiness—it’s just the pathway to it. My goal is not self-righteousness. My goal is for You to be exalted in my life. Make me holy for Your glory. Amen.
Life Action Ministries - Day 7
Day 7 of Your Journey
Worry: A Useless Endeavor
Sometimes Scripture makes some seemingly extreme statements. Consider these words of Paul’s: “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God” (Phil. 4:6 NKJV).
Stop and think for a moment how radical that is: “Be anxious for nothing.” Absolutely nothing! There is no acceptable reason before God to worry. There is no escape clause based on the size or intensity of our circumstance. We are simply not to do it.
Why not? Well, Jesus tells us that worry will add nothing to our lives (Matt. 6:27). I remember my children singing “The Song That Never Ends,” a musical circle that goes on indefinitely. After a short time I felt like I would go crazy! Singing the same thing over and over was accomplishing nothing.
That’s what worry is—a useless endeavor. The only way to end it is to simply stop.
How can we stop? By praying about and thanking God for our circumstances. The result is that His peace will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus (see Phil. 4:7). God-given peace alone will always conquer our worries.
Making It Personal
Father, I am prone to worry over life. I tend to look at circumstances instead of at You, who order all things. Thank You for my pressures. They are my opportunity to live above this world, by Your peace which passes all understanding.
Worry: A Useless Endeavor
Sometimes Scripture makes some seemingly extreme statements. Consider these words of Paul’s: “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God” (Phil. 4:6 NKJV).
Stop and think for a moment how radical that is: “Be anxious for nothing.” Absolutely nothing! There is no acceptable reason before God to worry. There is no escape clause based on the size or intensity of our circumstance. We are simply not to do it.
Why not? Well, Jesus tells us that worry will add nothing to our lives (Matt. 6:27). I remember my children singing “The Song That Never Ends,” a musical circle that goes on indefinitely. After a short time I felt like I would go crazy! Singing the same thing over and over was accomplishing nothing.
That’s what worry is—a useless endeavor. The only way to end it is to simply stop.
How can we stop? By praying about and thanking God for our circumstances. The result is that His peace will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus (see Phil. 4:7). God-given peace alone will always conquer our worries.
Making It Personal
Father, I am prone to worry over life. I tend to look at circumstances instead of at You, who order all things. Thank You for my pressures. They are my opportunity to live above this world, by Your peace which passes all understanding.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Life Action Ministries-Day 6
Day 6 of Your Journey
Faith Can Become Natural
Faith is often counterintuitive; or, more simply put, it goes against what feels natural to us. For instance, it doesn’t feel natural to wait on God. What feels natural is to push ahead to solve our problems.
It doesn’t feel natural to give; it feels more natural to hold onto what we have. The same can be said of almost any step of obedience we take as an act of faith—it usually feels unnatural to us.
As we obey God, however, faith becomes the natural response. Each step of obedience strengthens our trust in God, making the next step easier to choose.
When Jesus rebuked the disciples in Matthew 14:31 for their lack of faith, Mark tells us that it occurred because they had not learned the lesson from Jesus’ previous work in feeding the five thousand (Mark 6:52). In other words, each lesson of faith should prepare us for the next.
If the old saying is true that “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” then it can also be said that the walk of faith begins with a single step of faith. What is your “step of faith” today?
Making It Personal
Lord, today I need to walk by faith to please You. Would You show me a specific step of faith I can obey to show Your power?
Faith Can Become Natural
Faith is often counterintuitive; or, more simply put, it goes against what feels natural to us. For instance, it doesn’t feel natural to wait on God. What feels natural is to push ahead to solve our problems.
It doesn’t feel natural to give; it feels more natural to hold onto what we have. The same can be said of almost any step of obedience we take as an act of faith—it usually feels unnatural to us.
As we obey God, however, faith becomes the natural response. Each step of obedience strengthens our trust in God, making the next step easier to choose.
When Jesus rebuked the disciples in Matthew 14:31 for their lack of faith, Mark tells us that it occurred because they had not learned the lesson from Jesus’ previous work in feeding the five thousand (Mark 6:52). In other words, each lesson of faith should prepare us for the next.
If the old saying is true that “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” then it can also be said that the walk of faith begins with a single step of faith. What is your “step of faith” today?
Making It Personal
Lord, today I need to walk by faith to please You. Would You show me a specific step of faith I can obey to show Your power?
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Day 5
Forward from daily emails from Life Action Ministries.
Day 5 of Your Journey
Forgiving As We Are Forgiven
Walking in the grace of God requires extending that grace to others. That’s why forgiveness plays such a prominent role in New Testament teaching.
Ephesians 4:32 tells us that our forgiveness of others is to be in light of the incredible grace and forgiveness we have received. Jesus emphasized the consequences of not forgiving in His commentary on prayer in Matthew 6:15.
The challenge of forgiveness is that it’s an ongoing process. Although there is often a moment of surrender as we give up our “right” to hold a grudge, forgiveness requires choosing to continually love someone who may repeatedly hurt us. It can be like a wound that’s healing; every time it gets bumped, it hurts again.
That’s why the remembrance of God’s grace is such an encouragement to us. This very morning, His mercies to you were brand new (Lam. 3:22-23). His love doesn’t hinge on yesterday’s successes and failures.
Jesus said, “If you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same?” (Matt. 5:46 ESV). One of the defining marks of a true believer is exercising the grace of forgiveness.
Making It Personal
Forgiveness may be an ongoing process for you. Take time to pray for God’s blessing on the person you’re most tempted to hold an offense against. Pray what you would for them if they were your favorite friend
Day 5 of Your Journey
Forgiving As We Are Forgiven
Walking in the grace of God requires extending that grace to others. That’s why forgiveness plays such a prominent role in New Testament teaching.
Ephesians 4:32 tells us that our forgiveness of others is to be in light of the incredible grace and forgiveness we have received. Jesus emphasized the consequences of not forgiving in His commentary on prayer in Matthew 6:15.
The challenge of forgiveness is that it’s an ongoing process. Although there is often a moment of surrender as we give up our “right” to hold a grudge, forgiveness requires choosing to continually love someone who may repeatedly hurt us. It can be like a wound that’s healing; every time it gets bumped, it hurts again.
That’s why the remembrance of God’s grace is such an encouragement to us. This very morning, His mercies to you were brand new (Lam. 3:22-23). His love doesn’t hinge on yesterday’s successes and failures.
Jesus said, “If you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same?” (Matt. 5:46 ESV). One of the defining marks of a true believer is exercising the grace of forgiveness.
Making It Personal
Forgiveness may be an ongoing process for you. Take time to pray for God’s blessing on the person you’re most tempted to hold an offense against. Pray what you would for them if they were your favorite friend
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Day 4: Life Action Ministries...
Day 4 of Your Journey
Everything We Have Belongs to God
A. W. Tozer once observed that the words me and mine never entered our vocabulary until after the fall of man in the Garden. Once sin entered, the desire to possess came with it. All the things around us that were meant for our enjoyment are corrupted when we begin to cling to them as though they were ours.
God makes it very clear in Psalm 24:1 that everything on this earth belongs to Him. All the “fullness” of the earth is His. It is important that we frequently and consistently remind ourselves of this truth.
Because of our desire to possess, the natural flow of life will lead us back toward clinging to material things. That’s why it’s good to periodically transfer ownership of all our earthly riches to Him.
The ultimate goal is to guard our hearts against the love of things. Jesus said, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matt. 6:21 ESV). Transferring is one way of keeping our heart fully His.
Making It Personal
“I try never to grasp anything in life too tightly, because it hurts when God has to pry my fingers open to take it away.” (Corrie ten Boom)
Take a moment to acknowledge that all your material possessions belong to God. They are His to do with as He chooses.
Everything We Have Belongs to God
A. W. Tozer once observed that the words me and mine never entered our vocabulary until after the fall of man in the Garden. Once sin entered, the desire to possess came with it. All the things around us that were meant for our enjoyment are corrupted when we begin to cling to them as though they were ours.
God makes it very clear in Psalm 24:1 that everything on this earth belongs to Him. All the “fullness” of the earth is His. It is important that we frequently and consistently remind ourselves of this truth.
Because of our desire to possess, the natural flow of life will lead us back toward clinging to material things. That’s why it’s good to periodically transfer ownership of all our earthly riches to Him.
The ultimate goal is to guard our hearts against the love of things. Jesus said, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matt. 6:21 ESV). Transferring is one way of keeping our heart fully His.
Making It Personal
“I try never to grasp anything in life too tightly, because it hurts when God has to pry my fingers open to take it away.” (Corrie ten Boom)
Take a moment to acknowledge that all your material possessions belong to God. They are His to do with as He chooses.
Day 3
These post are emails I receive from Life Action Ministries.
Day 3 of Your Journey
God Revives the Broken Ones
In Isaiah 57:15, God tells us something significant about what He values. “Thus says the High and Lofty One who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy: ‘I dwell in the high and holy place, with him who has a contrite and humble spirit’” (NKJV).
Isn’t it interesting that a high and holy God doesn’t dwell with royalty or rulers? Instead He dwells with the contrite and humble. Or, as one translation puts it, “the broken ones.”
Brokenness is one of those concepts that seems to chafe against us. We conjure up images of an emotional collapse or a catastrophic event. But the reality is, brokenness is a simple, profound choice we make.
Jesus demonstrated this choice in Gethsemane when He prayed to His Father, “Not as I will, but as You will” (Matt. 26:39).
At its core, brokenness is a choice to follow God’s direction, not our own. This can be as profound as surrendering to go to the mission field, or as practical as submitting our finances to His control.
Remember this, however: Though the cost may seem great, the benefit is far greater. The benefit is God dwelling with us “to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones” (Isa. 57:15).
Making It Personal
What areas of your life need submitting to His authority? Take time prayerfully to do that now.
Day 3 of Your Journey
God Revives the Broken Ones
In Isaiah 57:15, God tells us something significant about what He values. “Thus says the High and Lofty One who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy: ‘I dwell in the high and holy place, with him who has a contrite and humble spirit’” (NKJV).
Isn’t it interesting that a high and holy God doesn’t dwell with royalty or rulers? Instead He dwells with the contrite and humble. Or, as one translation puts it, “the broken ones.”
Brokenness is one of those concepts that seems to chafe against us. We conjure up images of an emotional collapse or a catastrophic event. But the reality is, brokenness is a simple, profound choice we make.
Jesus demonstrated this choice in Gethsemane when He prayed to His Father, “Not as I will, but as You will” (Matt. 26:39).
At its core, brokenness is a choice to follow God’s direction, not our own. This can be as profound as surrendering to go to the mission field, or as practical as submitting our finances to His control.
Remember this, however: Though the cost may seem great, the benefit is far greater. The benefit is God dwelling with us “to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones” (Isa. 57:15).
Making It Personal
What areas of your life need submitting to His authority? Take time prayerfully to do that now.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Day 2 of Life Action Ministries
Day 2 of Your Journey
Responses Reveal Our Heart
Life is the great “exposer.” No matter what we say we are, or even what we think we are, life’s pressures expose our true nature. Our responses to the events of life are a window into who is in control of our life.
If we are responding in anger, impatience, jealousy, selfishness, etc., we are not under the Spirit’s control. God uses pressure to show us who we really are. Sometimes that’s not a pretty picture. The good news is that we have God’s Holy Spirit living in us, and He is able to change us from the inside out.
Galatians 5:22-23 tells us what our responses to life’s pressures should look like: “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.” In other words, our responses should look like Jesus!
Does that seem impossible? Apart from God, it is. The Bible tells us that He alone is able to keep us from stumbling (Jude 24). That “stumbling” certainly includes our responses. Today, let the pressures and frustrations of life be an opportunity for God to show Himself powerful in your life.
Making It Personal
“It doesn’t matter really how great the pressure is, it only matters where it lies. Never let it come between you and Jesus. Then, no matter how great the pressure, it will only serve to press you to His breast.” (Hudson Taylor)
Responses Reveal Our Heart
Life is the great “exposer.” No matter what we say we are, or even what we think we are, life’s pressures expose our true nature. Our responses to the events of life are a window into who is in control of our life.
If we are responding in anger, impatience, jealousy, selfishness, etc., we are not under the Spirit’s control. God uses pressure to show us who we really are. Sometimes that’s not a pretty picture. The good news is that we have God’s Holy Spirit living in us, and He is able to change us from the inside out.
Galatians 5:22-23 tells us what our responses to life’s pressures should look like: “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.” In other words, our responses should look like Jesus!
Does that seem impossible? Apart from God, it is. The Bible tells us that He alone is able to keep us from stumbling (Jude 24). That “stumbling” certainly includes our responses. Today, let the pressures and frustrations of life be an opportunity for God to show Himself powerful in your life.
Making It Personal
“It doesn’t matter really how great the pressure is, it only matters where it lies. Never let it come between you and Jesus. Then, no matter how great the pressure, it will only serve to press you to His breast.” (Hudson Taylor)
From Life Action Ministries: Day 1
Welcome to Continuous Revival, a 30-day journey in authentic living. We pray that over the next 30 days, God will use this resource to deepen your walk with Him.
From Life Action Ministries
Welcome to Day One of your journey! Need: The Path to Revival
One of the wonders of God’s working in our lives is that He never seems to do it like we thought He would. When we have thoughts of what it would mean to be revived, we usually think of a happy emotional experience culminating in joyous singing.
Make no mistake, God’s workings in us will always lead to greater joy. It’s the path to that joy that often surprises us. Before King Dvid could pray, “Restore to me the joy of your salvation” (Psa. 51:12 ESV), he had to acknowledge his sins and transgressions (v. 3), and he had to acknowledge that God alone could blot them out.
It’s a hard thing to admit how needy we are. We live in a generation enamored by self-esteem, which tells us we will only find peace by convincing ourselves how good we are. It’s always a shock to our system when we realize we’re not as good as we believed—that we really do need someone who is merciful and can cleanse us from our sins.
A wise man once said, “Revival is not the top blowing off, but the bottom falling out.” The surprise we found on the path to revival is that it was a downward path. It began by admitting we were in desperate need of Him. He then, in His mercy, met us at that point of acknowledged need.
So what is the key to continuing on this revived path? It is daily realizing and admitting how desperately needy we are. Today, you cannot live rightly, think rightly, love rightly, or even desire rightly without a gracious God working in you (Phil. 2:13). Begin your day by crying out to God for the power to honor Him today.
Making It Personal
Dear Jesus, I cannot even want to live for You if You don't give me that desire. Left to myself, I will always move back toward sinful habits. Today, let me choose the path of humility. Empower me to rely completely on You. As a beggar cries out for help, I cry out to You in my need.
From Life Action Ministries
Welcome to Day One of your journey! Need: The Path to Revival
One of the wonders of God’s working in our lives is that He never seems to do it like we thought He would. When we have thoughts of what it would mean to be revived, we usually think of a happy emotional experience culminating in joyous singing.
Make no mistake, God’s workings in us will always lead to greater joy. It’s the path to that joy that often surprises us. Before King Dvid could pray, “Restore to me the joy of your salvation” (Psa. 51:12 ESV), he had to acknowledge his sins and transgressions (v. 3), and he had to acknowledge that God alone could blot them out.
It’s a hard thing to admit how needy we are. We live in a generation enamored by self-esteem, which tells us we will only find peace by convincing ourselves how good we are. It’s always a shock to our system when we realize we’re not as good as we believed—that we really do need someone who is merciful and can cleanse us from our sins.
A wise man once said, “Revival is not the top blowing off, but the bottom falling out.” The surprise we found on the path to revival is that it was a downward path. It began by admitting we were in desperate need of Him. He then, in His mercy, met us at that point of acknowledged need.
So what is the key to continuing on this revived path? It is daily realizing and admitting how desperately needy we are. Today, you cannot live rightly, think rightly, love rightly, or even desire rightly without a gracious God working in you (Phil. 2:13). Begin your day by crying out to God for the power to honor Him today.
Making It Personal
Dear Jesus, I cannot even want to live for You if You don't give me that desire. Left to myself, I will always move back toward sinful habits. Today, let me choose the path of humility. Empower me to rely completely on You. As a beggar cries out for help, I cry out to You in my need.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Slow Heat Boils Water
My wife will put eggs on the stove on a extremely low heat in order to make hard boiled eggs. Sometimes I think the heat is so low that it will never boil (men do everything on high). But every time I am proven wrong. No matter how low she sets the temp it will build up heat and start boiling.
The same is true with our heart, if we keep bitterness or anger in our lives it will eventually lead to a boiling situation. We must deal with it completely. Carrying the burden and anger, even in small amount can lead to great damage.
Sarah has been dealing with Hagar in Genesis 21:9 ff.(see below) Her bitterness had festered till it exploded.
The same is true with our heart, if we keep bitterness or anger in our lives it will eventually lead to a boiling situation. We must deal with it completely. Carrying the burden and anger, even in small amount can lead to great damage.
Are you willing to deal with anger and bitterness correctly or do you simply stuff it away only to have it explode one day.
Please know that when not dealt with it will explode.
Gen 21:9-14 9 Now Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian, whom she had borne to Abraham, mocking. 10 Therefore she said to Abraham, "Drive out this maid and her son, for the son of this maid shall not be an heir with my son Isaac." 11 The matter distressed Abraham greatly because of his son. 12 But God said to Abraham, "Do not be distressed because of the lad and your maid; whatever Sarah tells you, listen to her, for through Isaac your descendants shall be named. 13 "And of the son of the maid I will make a nation also, because he is your descendant." 14 So Abraham rose early in the morning and took bread and a skin of water and gave them to Hagar, putting them on her shoulder, and gave her the boy, and sent her away. And she departed and wandered about in the wilderness of Beersheba.
The same is true with our heart, if we keep bitterness or anger in our lives it will eventually lead to a boiling situation. We must deal with it completely. Carrying the burden and anger, even in small amount can lead to great damage.
Sarah has been dealing with Hagar in Genesis 21:9 ff.(see below) Her bitterness had festered till it exploded.
The same is true with our heart, if we keep bitterness or anger in our lives it will eventually lead to a boiling situation. We must deal with it completely. Carrying the burden and anger, even in small amount can lead to great damage.
Are you willing to deal with anger and bitterness correctly or do you simply stuff it away only to have it explode one day.
Please know that when not dealt with it will explode.
Gen 21:9-14 9 Now Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian, whom she had borne to Abraham, mocking. 10 Therefore she said to Abraham, "Drive out this maid and her son, for the son of this maid shall not be an heir with my son Isaac." 11 The matter distressed Abraham greatly because of his son. 12 But God said to Abraham, "Do not be distressed because of the lad and your maid; whatever Sarah tells you, listen to her, for through Isaac your descendants shall be named. 13 "And of the son of the maid I will make a nation also, because he is your descendant." 14 So Abraham rose early in the morning and took bread and a skin of water and gave them to Hagar, putting them on her shoulder, and gave her the boy, and sent her away. And she departed and wandered about in the wilderness of Beersheba.
Thank you
How can we thank you all for your prayers for our ministry and family? We know that God is working because of your prayers.
- Praise for Reformation Day outreach in Camden
- Praise for our current "God Question" series
- Open door to Brian and Wendy for discipleship
- Safe travel for Milford and Camden work.
- Spiritual growth for Brian and Wendy
- Growth of individuals at Milford Study
- Camden teens from Wed. evening would begin attending on Sunday
- Open door with fire people, working to show the "Fireproof" movie
We thank each of you who stand with us in prayer and support.
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