Monday, November 23, 2009


Day 11 of Your Journey
Purity: A Reflection of God's Redeeming Grace

“But sexual immorality and all impurity or covetousness must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints” (Eph. 5:3 ESV).

Years ago as a college student, I sat in a devotional led by a Christian singer who would go on to become nationally known for his music and ministry. He said something that day I have never forgotten: “I should be so holy that when another woman looks into my eyes, she sees nothing but that I love my wife deeply.”

That is the heart behind Paul’s exhortation in Ephesians 5:3. We are not to let immorality even be named in our lives. There should not even be a ground to utter a word implying that immorality exists in us.

This is a strong statement. That’s because the decision to be pure in every way will have to be a radical one.

Why is this so important? Because we are told that it is proper, or “becoming,” for a saint to be pure. This word is most often used in the New Testament in relation to Christ and His role and purpose in our redemption.

The process of redemption was beautiful and becoming because it reflected God’s heart. In the same way, our purity is “becoming” for those who have been saved and bought by His sacrifice.

Making It Personal

Are you walking in purity in every area of your life—not just your actions, but your thoughts, speech, viewing habits, and reading as well? What decisions will you have to make to achieve purity in your life?

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