Friday, November 20, 2009

Life Action Ministries - Day 7

Day 7 of Your Journey
Worry: A Useless Endeavor

Sometimes Scripture makes some seemingly extreme statements. Consider these words of Paul’s: “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God” (Phil. 4:6 NKJV).

Stop and think for a moment how radical that is: “Be anxious for nothing.” Absolutely nothing! There is no acceptable reason before God to worry. There is no escape clause based on the size or intensity of our circumstance. We are simply not to do it.

Why not? Well, Jesus tells us that worry will add nothing to our lives (Matt. 6:27). I remember my children singing “The Song That Never Ends,” a musical circle that goes on indefinitely. After a short time I felt like I would go crazy! Singing the same thing over and over was accomplishing nothing.

That’s what worry is—a useless endeavor. The only way to end it is to simply stop.

How can we stop? By praying about and thanking God for our circumstances. The result is that His peace will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus (see Phil. 4:7). God-given peace alone will always conquer our worries.

Making It Personal

Father, I am prone to worry over life. I tend to look at circumstances instead of at You, who order all things. Thank You for my pressures. They are my opportunity to live above this world, by Your peace which passes all understanding.

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