Saturday, December 5, 2009

Day 23

I know that this is on the same day as day 22 but I got a day behind.

Day 23 of Your Journey
Repentance: A Beautiful Word

Repent therefore, and turn again . . . that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord (Acts 3:19-20 ESV).

One of Satan’s weapons to oppose our spiritual growth is to give us a negative view of a positive truth. If he can convince us that God’s way is not desirable, we will instinctively try to avoid it.

Such is the case with God’s call to repentance. The very idea of the word repent may bring with it images of Bible-pounding preachers or strange men on street corners yelling at passersby. Satan has so succeeded in stereotyping the word that most Christians don’t even see the need or understand the concept.

Despite all this, repentance is a beautiful word. It literally means to have a change of mind that results in a change of direction or action. It involves turning from our own way to get in line with God’s way. Furthermore, the Bible tells us that it is something God grants to us. It is His gracious work in our hearts to bring us back to Him.

The beauty of the word lies in the beauty of our lives being reconciled properly to God. Once this has happened, the blessings of God can begin to flow in our lives. We can now know the joy of fellowship with Him as He intends it to be.

In fact, Peter tells us in the passage above that repentance brings with it a refreshing of our spiritual lives that comes as God’s presence is manifested among us. Refreshed in His presence—what a wonderful thought!

Making It Personal

Since God is the one who grants repentance, we should ask Him if there are sins we need to turn from. Remember, He is more eager for us to know than we are to know ourselves. Ask God daily if there is anything that would hinder your fellowship with Him.

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